Zero Carb Keto
Zero Waste, Plastic-Free Living Continued
I am continuing my mission of being zero-waste and plastic-free! I am really happy with these changes that I have made in my life! Many of them are actually better than the plastic products that they replaced! Here are some of the replacements!
-The Keeper 100% natural rubber menstrual cup, shipped only in paper: instead of disposable menstrual products
-eyeglasses instead of contact lenses
-baking soda instead of toothpaste (been using this for a decade, actually, with 100% approval from my dentist!)
-dental pic instead of nylon dental floss
-bulk Indian herbs instead of shampoo in plastic bottles, able to find locally. So far hibiscus, brahmi, and fenugreek are working really nicely
-bulk Indian herbs for dyeing hair (henna and indigo)
-stainless steel compost bin instead of producing garbage, I was able to have it shipped to my local True Value and there was no plastic!
-compostable bags instead of plastic trash bags, I was able to find them locally but here's what they look like:
-locally made goat milk bar soap instead of liquid hand soap or body wash in plastic bottles
-using online streaming or the library for books and music
-buying only secondhand vinyl records that do not come wrapped or shipped in plastic
-buying only 100% natural fiber clothing and linens: silk, wool, cotton, linen. This company said they would ship the clothing without plastics if requested:
-avoiding receipts printed on thermal paper
-found a cat litter that is flushable, compostable, and packed in paper:
-bulk dish liquid (although I might try baking soda!)
-am trying rose essential oil instead of moisturizer/lotion in plastic bottles; I might try rosewater in glass bottles as well since the essential oil bottle has some plastic
-trying to find a plastic-free way to get my meats! even freezer paper is lined in plastic. I'm still working on this one!
The last one has been the hardest.
I called all around my local meat processors to see if they had any alternatives, but all they are allowed to use is plastic or plastic-lined paper.
I called the local butcher counters and they said the same, except for one. That butcher shop said I could special order grassfed beef and bring my own wrap if I wanted. So that is the route I am planning to take, although I would really prefer to use my local farmers!
I had thought maybe I could try eating just canned fatty fish, such as sardines, but I felt awful after trying just one meal of that. I think the softened bones in them throw off my mineral balance. I had terrible foot cramps and could not sleep at all! I had belching and all kinds of stomach and gut discomfort too.
I could try finding canned beef, but it would probably not be fatty or grassfed. Nor could I get organ meats, which I love!
Some other options would be to take up hunting and fishing, and process the animals myself. This is a possibility, but I am not sure I could get enough to really 100% feed myself. That would sure be something though! I know we have lots of fish here, mostly crappie and bluegill, and plenty of squirrel and deer. As an aside, I discovered this amazing podcast over the weekend:
Or, as I have been hoping to do, buy some property and raise some sheep and slaughter and butcher them myself. But properties cost just a little more than I have right now, and I do not believe in debt. However, I am starting to think that might be the best plan!
I could try eating just eggs (my local farmers reuse the cartons) and coconut oil packed in glass jars. But that combination is super high in omega 6s and that is not healthy. Eggs really raise my triglycerides! And it does not sound very palatable or satisfying either on a long term basis.
So, first I am going to try and order from the one butcher shop and provide my own compostable wrap for the meats. I have ordered some compostable food storage bags and hopefully those will work!
I have about two weeks' left of freezer paper wrapped beef from my local farmer, then I need to figure out what is coming next! I really want to continue using his beef. It is astoundingly rich in golden, omega 3 fat, and I feel amazing!!
Grassfed beef brisket
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