There is a process called autophagy ("self-eating"), where old cells are basically recycled to create fresh ones. This is an important process to keep us from aging and developing disease. Being in ketosis allows this to happen more often, keeping our cells fresh ad clean!
Dr Michael Eades wrote an excellent post on this with more explanation of the science behind it:
Now, all we have to do to slow the aging process is to stay in some degree of ketosis most of the time and let nature take her course and clean all the junk out of our cellular attics.
Dr Colin Champ also wrote an excellent article on autophagy:
This process [ketosis] seems to trigger to our cells that it’s clean up time (similar to fasting) by activating our lysosomes to break down old and faulty proteins.
So following a ketogenic diet is an excellent way to keep a "clean house", slow aging, and prevent disease! Another great reason to eat a high fat diet!
I've been working on increasing my fat intake from 70% of calories to 80%. I was surprised to find that my blood ketones still haven't really changed much. I expected them to go up! However, if there's one thing I've learned about keto, is that it is cumulative. You've got to give things a week at least to settle in!
I've been increasing my fats by adding in homemade clotted cream, and some purchased 100% grassfed ghee. I've had to add dairy back in because my local farmers have run out of marrow bones (mostly my fault, I'm sure!). The clotted cream is delectable and excellent as a side dish. The ghee I find a lot harder to use. It tends to melt as soon as you put it on your warm meats, and I don't find it very palatable to just eat on the side. It's not attractive as a topping for meat. However, I found that it does work as a topping for cooled, hard-boiled eggs!
BTW, clotted cream is very easy to make. You just pour whole unadulterated cream into a glass pan and put it in the oven on "warm" (180F/82C) for 12 hours. Let it cool a bit, and put the pan in the fridge for 8-12 hours. Scoop off the clotted part and store, draining off the liquid (which is basically sweet whey and has carbs!). Keep the clotted cream in the fridge. It is a heavenly side dish! I have to keep reminding myself, this is health food!
Grassfed ground beef with pink salt crystals and homemade clotted cream
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