Unfortunately, it looks like I'm not going to be able to find external beef fat! All of my local farmers and processors seem to trim external fat off and then add it to their ground beef, rather than leave it on the cuts. What a strange world we live in today!
Grassfed marrow is also extremely hard to come by, and I can't get enough to use on a consistent basis to maintain 80% fat intake.
Since my gut does not tolerate plants or plant oils, I have no choice now but dairy for my fat source to remain in ketosis. But it causes my keratosis pilaris to flare up, and seems to aggravate my gut too! How can I cope with this? I really want to remain in ketosis!
I checked, and my local grassfed dairy farmers have A2 cows. According to some, A2 is a less troublesome form of casein than A1. And since I am using just cream and not milk, and making clotted cream from that, the amount of casein in it should be quite a lot less than whole milk.
I guess I will just have to continue using it and see how it goes. Maybe over time, I will adjust better to dairy. Homemade grassfed clotted cream is certainly the most delectable form of fat I can find! And it travels well too, for when I have to eat away from home. I can just pack a little container of 35g per meal, and I am all set!
If I still have issues digesting dairy, another option, which I don't like, is to supplement with DPP IV. DPP IV is an enzyme which supposedly helps the digestive system break down the proteins in gluten and casein. I've taken it before many years ago, and it did seem to work, but I really don't like the idea of popping pills! I feel that when one is following the proper diet, no supplementation or drugs of any kind should be needed!
Grassfed beef with homemade grassfed clotted cream and smoked salt
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