The other day I had some blood tests done to check for inflammation. I just ordered them for myself online since I don't have a doctor. I ordered an hs-CRP (high sensitivity C reactive protein) and an ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) test.
My results came back the next day! And they are great! My hs-CRP was just 0.7, which is excellent! Under 1.0 is desirable, and shows no inflammation and low heart disease risk. My ESR was great too, just 8, and under 20 is considered good. So that's great! It's really nice to know that I am on the right track with my approach to zero carb keto! My CT heart scan and tri-vascular scan were perfect scores too when I had those done a few months ago.
My CRP used to be far, far higher when I was taking oral contraceptives. Quitting those reduced it greatly. Then quitting dairy and pork were helpful for me too. Those final things brought it down under 1.0!
I still want to work on my vitamin D levels, but I am waiting on a larger UVB lamp to arrive. I have been using a small handheld lamp for my small vitiligo patches, but it is not really feasible to use it all over my body since it covers such a small area. Hopefully this desktop lamp that I have ordered will work better! I will use it for a month or so and then retest my vitamin D level.
I had a CBC (complete blood count) and glucose test taken in May, and those results were all very good too!
I will still plan on trying to avoid phenols as much as possible, to help repigment my small vitiligo patches. For the most part, I have really reduced my exposure to phenols through eating just meat and using very simple toiletries. I am trying to not use plastics for storing food as much as possible, and not drinking water that comes in plastic. I do use henna on my hair, that is my only phenol source right now. I can't find another phenol-free way to dye my hair! And it is too patchy to grow it out and look professional.
I might retake my cholesterol test, though I don't put much stock in cholesterol tests. They really don't have any correlation to anything! But the HDL and triglyceride levels are good to know. I feel that triglyceride level might be one indicator of inflammation, and HDL can indicate your ability to fight inflammation. There's a home cholesterol test that I can order that is cheap and easy!
I am also still working on ways to reduce chronic stress and get more fresh air and nature time back into my life! I've got some ideas! In the meantime, I am continuing doing ballet barre exercise every morning and urban hiking in the evenings when I can!
Grassfed lamb steak with sea salt flakes
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