I've mentioned in previous posts that my goal is to be "ripped", to have good muscle definition. I've increased my exercise, doing ballet barre exercise 30 minutes every day, and urban hiking in the evenings.
I have been practicing calorie restriction as well. I started with 25% calorie restriction from baseline, but the last few days I have been eating a little more, so it is around 17% calorie restriction from baseline today. I am using calorie restriction calculators such as the one here: http://scientificpsychic.com/health/cron1.html.
I am really pleased with my progress and I am currently 14.6% bodyfat (which is pretty good for a 46 year old female). I really like the muscle definition in my abs, arms, and legs. I really enjoy doing the ballet since it is a good bodyweight exercise, but still keeps my figure lean. When I've done other bodyweight exercise, or weight lifting, I built up more muscle than I wanted, and wasn't able to fit my arms in my sleeves! Ballet works much better for me! Plus it is fun!
In other news, I have been looking at some alternative treatments for colitis as well. Although, I can't really say that I have colitis anymore, since my gut has been fine since zero-carbing! But I was researching alternative therapies, and I came across Dead Sea climatotherapy.
Climatotherapy at the Dead Sea has shown very high efficacy for a number of diseases, including colitis! Since I can't afford a trip there right now, I thought I could try to reproduce it here as much as possible. I ordered some Dead Sea bath salt, and had my first bath last night. Felt great!
Another part of the efficacy of the Dead Sea is the oxygenated environment. I am thinking of getting a hyperbaric oxygen treatment on Monday, to reproduce that effect!
Also, the sunlight is another important part of the therapy. I have been using a handheld UVB lamp for my small vitiligo patches, and it has been working well to repigment them. I'd like to get a larger unit to do more all over treatment, since it seems that narrowband UVB is very good in treatment of multiple issues.
I'll report back on my experiments!
Grassfed lamb ribs with smoked salt
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