Lately my bood ketone levels have gone down. They were previously at around 3.9mmol/l for the whole last year, but the last few days are just 1.0 or even lower!
I know that menses can suppress ketone levels, but I am not in menses right now. I think it is happening because I have stopped having extra marrow fat on the side now that I am eating just lamb. The lamb is enough to keep me in ketosis on its own, but just barely!
Whereas previously I was able to maintain a 75% fat / 25% protein intake by eating beef with added marrow fat on the side, now I am down to just under 65% fat / 35% protein now. So I think that lower fat intake is what has caused my blood ketone levels to drop.
I am still in ketosis though, and my current blood sugar and ketone production throughout the day is perfectly level at around 80mg/dl (4.4 mmol/l) blood glucose and around 1.0 mmol/l for ketones. So that is good to maintain great consistent levels all day.
I'm getting all of my nutrients, and not taking in too much protein, (just 85g daily). I feel good. The lamb is absolutely savory, juicy, and delicious.
I also like that by buying a whole lamb share, I am using every part of the animal and there's no waste, I don't need to buy anything additional (besides salt), and the farmers can have peace of mind in selling a whole animal share as well.
Another positive is that my bowel movements seem to be better. When I go with higher fat, they can be a little soft!
Also, buying the marrow bones is a high additional expense. Good grassfed marrow is precious and pricey!
So I think for now, I will continue with just the whole lamb share and no additional fats on the side even though my ketone levels are lower. It's been just about a full month of lamb and I think I have a few weeks' worth still in the freezer. I can see how my ketone level maintains over the rest of that time!
Grassfed lamb chops with smoked sea salt
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