In my previous post I mentioned UVB light therapy that I have been doing. I decided to order a larger UVB lamp so that I can do more whole body light therapy. It is coming from overseas though, so it will take three to four weeks to arrive.
Based on my research, narrowband UVB is a very useful therapy for vitiligo, vitamin D production, and even for colitis too! So I am looking forward to having the larger lamp, since right now I just have a small handheld lamp.
I have also started using a "happy lamp" in the mornings. The particular one that I use is a broad-spectrum 5,000 Lux lamp. I sit next to it in the wee hours of the morning and it is supposed to help with circadian rhythm and seasonal and/or morning depression. It does seem to help! My cat loves it, too!
I also wanted to give an update on how buying a whole lamb share has worked out economically. It seems to have been a good decision! I will be through all of the rest of it by next week, which means it lasted roughly 6 weeks. I have definitely spent less this 6 weeks than previous six week periods! And there have been other benefits too. It is easier to plan and cook meals, since it doesn't need any fat on the side. Very very little waste at all, since the bones are small. It is really savory and delicious, too! And packs easily for travel! And it makes shopping easier, since I only have to go pick it up once every six weeks! So I am planning on continuing with buying whole lamb shares as long as they are available!
Grassfed lamb chops with smoked salt
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