I've been thinking about the importance of a healthy environment. Not just the world environment, but on a small scale, one's home environment as well.
I feel that it is so important to have peace and quiet, and no noise pollution, for one. Also light pollution is terrible. A lot of people make it worse by stringing up lights and having night lights and porch lights and yard lights, to the point where it is never actually dark. But we need darkness for good, restful sleep.
Then of course there is air pollution. Even in our houses, people use a myriad of chemicals on themselves and in their houses. These can all be harmful.
I have tried to go as chemical-free as possible. I stopped dyeing my hair (even with henna, because it contains natural phenols), stopped using any kind of deodorant (even coconut oil, because it was staining my clothes). I have used just plain baking soda for tooth brushing for 13 years, with the blessing of my dentist. I use handmade, all natural goat milk bar soap for hand and body. I am on day 5 of washing my hair with diluted white vinegar, so far it is working great, even better than shampoo and conditioner. I wonder if that would work for soap? The nice thing is, it is the same pH as healthy skin and scalp.
I have been using some commercial all-natural dish soap from Canada. I had previously used washing soda, but that dried my hands out. I might just try diluted vinegar for that. Just need something to break up grease, which vinegar does.
I do use a commercial unscented detergent for my machine washable clothes. It is mainly washing soda, but there are a few chemicals in it. I wonder if diluted vinegar would work?
When I occasionally have dry skin, I use 100% pure lanolin.
I have been using contact lenses and solution, so that is another chemical compound. I could start wearing my glasses full time.
I do not take any pharmaceuticals or supplements. It feels good to be in tune with nature. I have been using reusable cotton menstrual pads for my menses, or a natural rubber menstrual cup.
Also I have been reading about "grounding" or "earthing", how it is important for us to be in contact with the earth. It does feel good to have real leather shoes with no foam inserts, and real wood and tile floors. I purchased mini clover seed for my lawn, so I won't need to mow. Right now when I do now, I use a scythe. It is a beautiful way to mow!
Similarly, it feels really good to wear 100% natural fibers. Merino wool and silk are my favorite fibers. Both are very breathable. Cotton is not as good. It doesn't breathe as well, and the process to grow it destroys the soil. Whereas wool made from grassfed sheep replenishes the soil. Silkworms are fed mulberry leaves, which I believe is not environmentally destructive.
I am still trying to live as plastic-free as possible, but my meat is processed in plastic and there are no available alternatives (at least until I have my own sheep ranch).
Along the same idea, I try to avoid petroleum and fossil fuel use as much as possible. I walk to work. I buy locally raised meat. I limit my use of utilities for heating and cooling my home.
When researching for my dream self-sufficient homestead, it seems that dried sheep dung is the oldest and most efficient fuel source. Better than solar or wind or hydroelectric, which all rely on destructive mining.
I am excited to think about my future, especially if I could have my self-sufficient homestead, and I can be more "grounded" with the earth!
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