Zero Carb Keto
The Good Life
I gave up on plastic-free meat yesterday, although I am still doing plastic-free / zero-waste for everything else! I got some good local grassfed ground beef and sirloin steak. So delicious and juicy! Really feel alive again! I will meet up with a farmer tomorrow and stock up my little chest freezer. I will be getting some organ meats too. Really looking forward to those! Organs are my favorite cuts!
I think that my aggravated keratosis pilaris (bumpy skin) was caused by eggs. I gave up eggs yesterday and will go back to eating organ meats for folate and other essential nutrients. I prefer that anyway! And it seems to be what my body likes best too!
It is interesting that when I really pay attention to the signals from my body, it always comes back to ruminant animals. Beef and lamb really work best for me, along with the organ meats. I can see why our ancestors drew those beautiful cave paintings of them! They are beautiful, the source of our health, and the earth's too! The health of our topsoil, and the entire ecosystem, depend on a thriving, natural ruminant animal community!
I am still thinking about my idea of a self-sufficient farm. One of the stumbling blocks is balancing the desire to live close enough to a small town, with the need to be out in the country enough to be allowed to raise ruminant animals. I have in the past always got around by walking, and I really prefer that. But some properties would just be too far to walk to a town. So I could try jogging or running, maybe? If I felt the road was safe enough? Another option would be a bicycle, but I have never had much experience with bicycles. It is something I could explore, I guess? I much prefer the idea of running because it is simpler. But with a bicycle, I could add a trailer if needed to carry items. Maybe this weekend I will explore that option some. And the running option!
I could give up on my self-sufficient farm idea. Some friends tell me that it is just not attainable. But other friends really love the idea! I think with a small group of people, it could definitely work. Then the up-front costs and tasks could be shared. But that is rather complicated legally and fiscally.
Another option is to live on a property with good hunting (and fishing?). Then I could hunt instead of being responsible for raising the animals.
Being self-sufficient is a dream I have had for my whole life though. It would be nice to see it happen!
In other news, I have made some changes to my electronic life. I had long ago given up television, and most movies except for documentaries. I do not read any news, and do not use a cell phone. So when I am at home, I try to use the computer only in the mornings and a little after work for language study. Then it turns off and I use no electronics the rest of the evening. I will just read a book. It is so relaxing! I would love to get away from electronics altogether, and go back to simple lighting such as candles. There is a realness to firelight. It is homey and restful!
I am also getting more into realness in other ways, too. I am starting to work on getting my wardrobe to be 100% natural fibers. It feels and breathes so much better! My linens are now all 100% natural too, and my sleep is so much better! From the farm where I ordered my canned beef, I also purchased one of their handmade natural horn combs. It is lovely and works so much than my plastic combs!
Grassfed sirloin steak
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