Zero Carb Keto
Harmonizing Zero Waste and Carnivory
The more and more I research, the more I am convinced that the zero carb / carnivorous diet is the ancestral, natural diet for homo sapiens, and the one most in line with protecting earth's ecology.
Since also adopting a zero waste, plastic-free philosophy two months ago, I have tried to harmonize that with eating a meat based diet.
I had been purchasing locally raised, 100% grassfed beef and lamb directly from local farmers with whom I was on a first-name basis. I visited their ranches and I was happy knowing that I was supporting their livelihood as well as replenishing the native grasslands and native habitats for other animals. I also really enjoyed all of the organ meats as well!
But all of their meats were processed into plastic vacuum packs or plastic-lined freezer paper. I talked with all of the local processors to see if they had any alternatives, but none of them did. They said they were basically forced by USDA and state inspection regulations to use plastic.
So that left me with my current choices of buying 100% grassfed beef from a neighboring state that comes in recyclable steel cans, and purchasing some wild caught fish at my local health food market, bringing compostable BioBags, and requesting the counter staff to put the items in the BioBags. No more organ meats, unfortunately, because they all come in plastic!
I had purchased a stainless steel compost bin and composted 100% of my waste.
Unfortunately, two months later, my compost has not biodegraded at all! I guess because it has been too cold here. And my bin is totally full now! So I am faced with a predicament. I cannot take my current compost to the city compost bin because I had put meat scraps in it.
I guess I will have to just trash this whole bin of unbiodegraded compost and start over. This time I could leave out the meat scraps so I can take it to the city compost bin when it is full.
But what to do with the meat scraps in the future? I guess I have no option besides just throwing them in the garbage, unfortunately. There's not very much of them, but still I hate creating any garbage.
Tonight I go look at a house in a small nearby town. I am hoping to create a small self-sufficient homestead. We'll see if it can work. This house costs a little more than I was hoping, which does not leave me much in cash to add solar panels for electricity and radiant floor heat. I also wanted to add a water catchment system and composting toilet.
In other news, I experimented with washing my hair with diluted honey this morning. I am waiting for it to dry to see how it worked. It seems to have caused quite a bit of hair fall, so I don't like that! I might have to go back to washing soda.
Yesterday I had some wonderful grilled wild caught sea scallops that I purchased with the BioBags at the local health food market!
Grilled wild caught sea scallops
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