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Question and Answer Page!

I thought it might be nice to set up a Question and Answer page for people that might have questions, comments, or support regarding following a zero carb keto diet! Note that I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice, just my own personal opinion! And of course, please keep comments respectful and civil! To participate, please click "Enter Your Comment" under the Comments area below on this page. Then I will get a notification and can reply to you! You will be given an option to receive notification by email of any followup replies to your comment. Thank you for reading! Grassfed lamb ribs with sea salt

Zero Carb Keto: A Problem with Plastic-Free Carnivory?

Zero Carb Keto

A Problem with Plastic-Free Carnivory?

I think I may have come across a problem trying to live both zero carb carnivore and plastic-free!

I tried to find ways to get grassfed red meat that is not wrapped in plastic or plastic-lined paper but all I could find was canned grassfed meat. So I have been eating that primarily for two months. I have occasionally been buying some fresh fish at the market and having the staff put it in compostable BioBags. But otherwise I am just eating the canned grassfed beef.

However, I think I may be starting to develop a deficiency! I wonder if the canned cooked beef is just not as nutritious as freshly cooked beef? I noticed that my thighs and shins were starting to get keratosis pilaris (bumpy red skin) in the last few weeks, which I have only gotten before when I ate dairy. But I have not been eating dairy. So I wonder if it because I am not eating freshly cooked meat? Plus I usually ate a lot of organ meats too, which I have not been able to find since going plastic-free. Unless it is from eating eggs? I had to do start eating eggs for folate since I am not eating organ meats.

I think I unfortunately need to go back to buying meat in plastic. It is too bad. I had just received my latest case of canned meat too! However, it is good for five years. So that is always good to have on hand for emergencies! I could donate some to the food pantry as well. The food pantries say they can always use meat.

I will buy some local grassfed meat right away and cook up some. And I will stop eating eggs. I hope to see a change pretty quickly!

I was realizing that I have been zero carb for the better part of 9 years, with a little time off here and there! Pretty amazing! It works great for me, provided that I use freshly cooked fatty red meat and organs. So I need to just stick with what works.

Maybe with enough people requesting it, vendors will start using biodegradable alternatives to plastic? And maybe on a global scale humankind will come up with a way to do something with all of the plastic now strewn around the planet, on land and sea?

One other option is to travel about an hour to the one health food market that stocks grassfed beef steak in their fresh counter, and have them put in my BioBags. However, they were a bit reluctant. That meat comes all the way from Australia, too, and was very lean, and they did not have fresh organ meat either. So I think that is not a good option. I think I should go back to buying from my local grassfed farmers, despite the plastic.

In positive news, I came across another study showing how grassfed ranching improves the environment!

And in other positive news, I donated to the Oglala "Bring Back the Buffalo" campaign that I had posted about before. Please consider donating if you can. Here is an article about the campaign:
And here is the link to donate:


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