Zero Carb Keto
Meat and Animal Fat Diet Most Sustainable
I mentioned in my post yesterday about getting some Arvigo Therapy to maybe help put my retroverted uterus back into the correct position, which may help with my gut issues somewhat. Hopefully I will be able to get that session later next week!
And I had thought that maybe, with very slowly adding things back into my diet, I could perhaps eat plant matter again. But I researched some more about adding plants back to the diet. And it really appears to me that meat and animal fat are by far the most sustainable diet all around. Animal meat and fat is so dense in calories and nutrition, that only very small amounts are needed to sustain a human being. The more wild, or close to wild, that the animals live, the better it is for the overall ecology. Far better than tilled agriculture, which destroys topsoil and creates deserts! Grass (and grass-eating animals) are the solution to global warming and regenerating the earth, not veganism:
So I really think the answer is staying with the meat and animal fat diet. I still want to have my self-sufficient, zero waste homestead too! To do that, I am considering three options. In all these plans, I would not go into any debt at all.
First option is to find an affordable house in a small town (I am looking at two tomorrow!) with just enough land to raise some ducks/geese for meat (and maybe eggs if they are not inflammatory). I would need to learn how to cull and process the birds myself, and get any needed equipment for that. I would add on solar panels for electricity and radiant floor heating, a rainwater catchment system, and composting toilet for complete off-grid living. I would be within walking distance of town for any needed items or for social contact.
The second option requires a little more work. That would be a rural ranch with enough pasture to be able to raise some sheep and lambs. I would do the slaughtering and butchering myself, so that is something I would need to learn and buy all the necessary equipment. I have read many books and watched videos on it. I found a property that is affordable and already has a barn, fenced paddocks, a nice manufactured home, and even a well! So for that property, I would just need the solar and the composting toilet. I would want to get something for transportation. I was thinking either a donkey (who would also guard the sheep), or a bicycle.
The third option is to find a house near a hunting and/or fishing ground. This would require me to learn how to hunt and fish and process the meat/fish myself. I would also need to get the proper equipment for that (which is not much for fishing). I would need to get something for transportation of the carcass or fish. That could be a bicycle with a trailer, or a horse and trailer? I found a property that actually has its own hunting grounds! So that would be ideal.
The first option is easiest to implement. But I need to visit them and decide!
I wanted to mention the PaleoMedicina group in Hungary. They are really doing some outstanding work in treating people with various diseases by using a meat and animal fat diet!
Grilled wild caught scallops
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