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Question and Answer Page!

I thought it might be nice to set up a Question and Answer page for people that might have questions, comments, or support regarding following a zero carb keto diet! Note that I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice, just my own personal opinion! And of course, please keep comments respectful and civil! To participate, please click "Enter Your Comment" under the Comments area below on this page. Then I will get a notification and can reply to you! You will be given an option to receive notification by email of any followup replies to your comment. Thank you for reading! Grassfed lamb ribs with sea salt

Keto Carnivory: Inflammation is Insidious

Keto Carnivory

Inflammation is Insidious

I was thinking about how may people eat things every day that are inflammatory, and think they don't have any problem with them. For example, carnivore diet folks who eat pork (bacon!), or dairy (including butter), or eggs and poultry. And for the regular diet folks, who eat all kinds of plant matter such as grains, oils, vegetables, nightshades.

Because of this, many people are probably dealing with sinus issues, joint pain, headaches, gut problems, bumpy skin, an overall sick feeling, teeth and gum problems.

Their bodies are suffering inflammation, but they don't even realize it! And the thing is, you don't realize it until you are free of it. I never thought I had any problems with dairy because I definitely wasn't lactose intolerant. I ate cream, butter, cheese, and loved it! But it wasn't until I stopped eating it, that I realized how much it was affecting me. It was causing terrible keratosis pilaris (bumpy skin) on my legs, and gut discomfort and constipation, and worst of all, significant depression! And I even tried 100% grassfed local, raw, A2 casein, goat and sheep dairy in case that would work better for me. But no. 

And it makes sense. Nature does not intend dairy for anyone but the babies of that species. So my whole life, I was chowing down on something highly inflammatory, and had no clue.

Pork is the same story for me. I love the pork from my local farmers, where the pigs get to run around outside and do some foraging. The meat is so flavorful and juicy! And I really had no idea that it could be inflammatory. But all pork, even mangalitsa pork, or acorn-fed pork, or wild boar, is still much higher in omega 6 to 3 ratio than beef or lamb and mutton. And I notice it now after eating pork. I just don't feel as well. I feel a little out of sorts and nauseated.

Poultry and eggs are the same. Again, all poultry and eggs are much higher in omega 6 to 3 ratio than ruminant animals.

And then there's oils! They are terribly high in omega 6 fatty acids.

So over time, eating a lot of these foods, every single day, for years on end, is insidiously irritating our entire bodies, and we have no idea until we take a break from them! It's kind of amazing!



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