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Question and Answer Page!

I thought it might be nice to set up a Question and Answer page for people that might have questions, comments, or support regarding following a zero carb keto diet! Note that I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice, just my own personal opinion! And of course, please keep comments respectful and civil! To participate, please click "Enter Your Comment" under the Comments area below on this page. Then I will get a notification and can reply to you! You will be given an option to receive notification by email of any followup replies to your comment. Thank you for reading! Grassfed lamb ribs with sea salt

Zero Carb Keto: Cut Orders

I have mentioned previously that I have been buying whole lamb shares. It comes out to be more affordable that way, and surprisingly, fits in a regular size refrigerator freezer with room to spare!

For me, the price is usually around US$6.70/lb. I use roughly one pound per day (pre-cooking). So besides salt, that is all of my food needs and just comes to about $200/month, which I find pretty economical. One whole lamb seems to last me about 5 weeks.

When you buy a whole lamb share, when the farmer takes it in to be slaughtered and processed, you can give instructions on how you would like the various cuts. This is my third lamb that I am getting, and I am trying some new ideas. The lamb steaks were the one cut that tended to be too lean. So I have requested roasts with full fat caps instead of steaks. Hopefully that works better!

Also the ground lamb tended to be a little lean, so I have requested that the leftover fat and suet be added to the ground meat. The only problem with that is that it tends to just melt right out again when cooking. The ideal would be to use some sausage casing and my own simple, unseasoned sausage. Maybe I can ask for some casing.

I will be able to pick it up on Friday or Saturday, so I will be eager to see how my new ideas worked!

Grassfed lamb chop with sea salt


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