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Question and Answer Page!

I thought it might be nice to set up a Question and Answer page for people that might have questions, comments, or support regarding following a zero carb keto diet! Note that I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice, just my own personal opinion! And of course, please keep comments respectful and civil! To participate, please click "Enter Your Comment" under the Comments area below on this page. Then I will get a notification and can reply to you! You will be given an option to receive notification by email of any followup replies to your comment. Thank you for reading! Grassfed lamb ribs with sea salt

Zero Carb Keto: More Calories, Higher Protein, Lower Bodyfat

Zero Carb Keto

More Calories, Higher Protein, Lower Bodyfat

Since I went plastic-free in February, I have started eating a higher protein, lower fat ratio. This is due to the fact that the canned beef I use now is leaner than the lamb and fatty beef cuts that I was eating previously.

Previously, I was following a much more ketogenic ratio of around 70% fat calories to 30% protein calories. Now I am actually more around 50% / 50%.

I have increased my calories. I am now at 17% calorie restriction rather than 20%, which I had been doing for about two years prior. I am hungrier now because I am eating lower fat! 

However, my weight has actually gone down a few pounds as well as my bodyfat, despite eating more calories! So that is an interesting phenomenon.

In regards to the zero vitamin C that my blood test measured, I am going to try eating either freshly cooked liver or steamed mussels once a day or at least every other day. Then in a month maybe I can retest and see if it has improved any! It should.

I am hoping at some point I can find a way to get freshly cooked grassfed beef again that does not come in plastic. But it does not seem promising!


Would you try (or do you already follow) a zero carb keto diet?

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