We are approaching some holidays here in the USA! Thanksgiving, then Christmas. I used to dread the holidays. So much waste, gluttony, and extravagance, and foods that would be so tempting, but deleterious to my gut and my metabolism.
But the last few years, I have been zero carb keto, and my attitude towards the holidays has changed!
I have been empowered!
I have decided to take charge of the situation and make some changes to my own culture surrounding celebrations.
For example, the month of October has a lot of birthdays for me and my friends. Rather than celebrating the typical way with junky, cancer-promoting foods like frosted birthday cake, I have completely changed that. I just continue to eat my zero carb keto, and invited friends to do social activities in place of eating junky food!
For example, I hosted an Open Mic Party for my birthday, where friends each did various types of performance. So much fun and what a wonderful memory!
For another friend's birthday, we took a day trip to a city a few hours away and had a fun time hiking in the beautiful fall weather. Again, a delightful memory!
For past Thanksgivings, instead of the typical turkey and carby side dishes and sweets at home, some of us rented a vacation cottage out in the country and enjoyed some juicy, charcoal-grilled ribeye steaks! A very unique and wonderful memory! Maybe this year, we might rent some yurts out in the country!
And it is so much more delightful to go out to the local farms in the country to buy good, wholesome food and see the animals out in the pasture, rather than fight the crazed, busy shops in town full of consumerist Christmas-themed knickknacks and saccharine holiday music!
I feel like, in my own way, I am creating my own zero carb keto culture of celebration!
Grassfed lamb stew meat with sea salt
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