Unfortunately, I have had to forgo getting a half beef share after all. I just do not have space for a chest freezer in my small condo!
So I am going to continue doing what I have been doing, that is, trying to source out the fattiest cuts on a piece-by-piece basis from my local farmers!
I have had good luck with local lamb. Almost all of those cuts have been wonderfully fatty. Also some beef cuts have been great too, such as brisket, short ribs, oxtail, and tongue.
Yesterday was a gorgeous fall day, with blue skies and sun warming us up from the chill from the wind. I really enjoyed a beautiful walk around a lake, taking in the gleam of the sun on the water!
The golden color of the sun reminded me of the golden color of cooked grassfed fat. They are both incredibly life-giving!
When I take a bite into an amazing piece of beef, where it is half meat and half glorious grassfed fat, it just feels right. My brain probably lights up if you could scan it! It is the perfect mouth feel! Very succulent with no lean dryness.
There is really something special about the fats that are attached to the meat, as opposed to fats added later to lean meats. When trying to add fats later to lean meats, the fats just melt away. But when the fat is attached to the meat, as in intermuscular and subcutaneous fat, it cooks up beautiful, golden, and gleaming like that fall sunshine on the lake!
Grassfed beef brisket with sea salt
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