I get so frustrated that so much of the meat sold today is almost completely stripped of all fat.
I have actually been giving all the lean meat to my friend to feed to his dog! Which is a lot of wasted money.
I do not understand this completely unnatural practice now of stripping meat of all fat. Who wants it like that? It is so flavorless and dry that way! Is that actually what consumers prefer?
I have shopped high and low online for fatty grassfed meat, but I just cannot find any. When I look at the photos of their cuts, it brings tears to my eyes how terribly lean the cuts are. And the vendors actually boast how "lean" their meat is! What on earth!
I just want the meat to be as nature intended! Just simply leave it with the fat on it!
I am really hoping that if I buy a half beef that the processor will leave it as nature intended. It is a huge, huge investment in buying that much meat, plus a chest freezer! I cannot afford to throw away half of the meat to a friend's dog!
In other news, I had another blood panel done over the weekend. I think it is good to have blood drawn on a regular basis, and I am under the weight to donate blood. So I try to do regular blood panels instead. My results already came (in one day!) and they were all very good! The only "bad" score was LDL, which as usual, was very very high. But as I have mentioned, I have had CT heart scans and trivascular scans and gotten perfect scores, so apparently there is no problem with very high LDL if it is the large, buoyant type. My triglycerides were very good since I have stopped eating pork and poultry and eggs.
I am picking up a few fatty cuts today from my local farmer, and hopefully setting up the half beef share!
Grassfed beef short ribs with sea salt
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