I have mentioned this feeling in some previous posts, but I wanted to talk about it some more.
When on zero carb keto and following some calorie restriction, there is a light feeling to replace the heaviness when indulging (or gorging!) on carbohydrates.
Often after eating a high carbohydrate meal, you will feel very sleepy, and your digestive system will feel very bloated and heavy.
When eating calorie restricted zero carb keto, there is a very different feeling entirely.
For one, the amount of food required is vastly, vastly smaller!
Instead of a big huge plate overflowing with food, I have a small plate with just a small palm-ful of food on it. Probably what look to others like just a few bites. Just 70-100g of fatty meat. And that is all!
An interesting thing to note, is that the first few bites of food are always the most flavorful. And with my way of eating, that is all there is!
Then afterwards, even though it is a small amount of food, because there is a good amount of high quality, very satiating animal fat from red meat, it provides a feeling of fullness, but yet, still lightness.
This feeling is a little hard to describe. It feels like I could sprint (and want to sprint!) right after eating! Instead of trudging to the sofa and crashing out, like with a carbohydrate-heavy meal. I want to be physical and energetic!
Throughout the day, instead of the "hangry" feeling of extreme irritability and hunger from carbohydrate energy, I have a very consistent level of satiation. But not too much - not over-full, or bloated. It is a feeling of being about 80% full. Like you read about the Okinawans, one of the peoples on earth that are very long-lived, eat this way ("hara hachi bu"), meaning only to 80% full.
Eating zero carb keto with "hara hachi bu" provides all the nutrition necessary, with minimum intake. It is extremely efficient! And there is this entirely different feeling. It makes it easy to pass up all the deleterious foods that might be presented to you at work and throughout the day. I can almost feel my 80% full gut cranking out ketones at a nice constant pace all day, instead of the glucose spike and crash cycle all day.
It is very interesting feeling, and along with that, my blood glucose and ketone levels stay consistent all day and night, and my blood pressure stays very low all the time as well. Eating this way is a very efficient and cool-running system!
Grassfed beef short ribs with sea salt
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